explore the spectacular depths of our oceans, bays and gulfs

Hog & Red Snapper
a giant Red Snapper and an aggressive hogfish strike a live pogo in the Gulf of Mexico.

King Mackerel
a school of monster king mackerel hunt smaller Spanish mackerel through the sargassum in the Florida panhandle.

Redfish Action
a hungry Redfish circles back to strike a fisherman's shrimp.

Sheepshead Rocks
a bucktoothed Sheepshead shows off its human like teeth as it chomps down on a fisherman's shrimp amongst a rocky cement structure.

Salty Stripers
a pair of Atlantic Stripers hunt the shallows of an old dock for schools of Menhaden.

Tripletail & Blue Crab
Tripletail are known for being stealthy stalkers of crab traps where they ambush unsuspecting juvenile blue crabs from the sandy bottom.

Tripletail & Mahi
a tank of a Tripletail lurks around a derelict bouy hunting glass minnows as Mahi chase flying fish and pelicans dive into the mix.

a school of hungry tuna chase the sardines beneath a tumultuous ocean.

Beeliner Snappers
a school of hungry Vermillion Snappers, aka Beeliners, scavenge the coral reef for worms.

Redfish Pilings
a monster Redfish closes in on a school of finger mullet

Almaco Jacks
two Almacos cruise the reef alongside a Yellowfin Snapper

Blackfin Tuna
quick and agile, these black tuna eye a squid in the seaweed

Black Marlin
a huge Black Marlin closes in on a Skipjack Tuna as the Yellowfins scatter

Rock Hind
a spotted Rock Hind preys on a squid as it circles a lively coral head

Mahi & Bonito
a floating piece of driftwood provides an excellent hunting ground for lightning fast dolphin and bonito

Mutton Snappers
these colorful Mutton Snapper chase Grunts as a Morey Eel guards its cave

Bull Drum
a Florida blue crab catches the attention of a giant Bull Drum at an abandoned trap

Cobia Season
a Cobia snatches a Pinfish as the Whiting race through the pilings of a Florida pier

Gag Grouper
often confused with the Black Grouper, this Gulf of Mexico Gag Grouper takes aim at a passing squid

Speckled Trout
a toothy Trout chases a Grunt out from a barnacle-clad stump

Snowy Grouper
a pair of Butterfish race to get away from a spotted Snowy Grouper

Gulf Flounder
a stealthy spotted Florida flounder strikes a green grub in the sawgrass.

Great Barracuda
Barracudas hunt the reef for Yellowtail Snappers, snatching them with their powerful jaws

Florida Sheepshead
a Sheepshead uses his human-like teeth to pry open an oyster on a barnacle-laden dock piling

Florida Snook
a golden Snook and a pair of Snappers weave their way through the barnacle encrusted Mangrove roots

Jack Crevalle
a pair of golden Jack Crevalles race a Triggerfish along a Florida reef

Red Hind
a spectacular spotted Red Hind feeds on small reef fish as a Trumpet Fish snakes by

Goliath Grouper
a Gag grouper is no match for the giant Goliath Grouper that stalks this rusted wreck

Hungry HogFish
these Hogfish use their powerful jaws to crack open the shells of mollusks

Permit Shoals
healthy Permit hunt for small crab in the sandy shoals of a Florida bay

Nassau Grouper
a Bahamian Nassau Grouper preys on a squid while Lane Snapper school along the reef

Queen Snapper
a magnificent Queen Snapper chases a school of glass minnows

Redfish & Trout
a fat shrimp on a rocky bottom tempts a Speckled Trout and a Redfish

Red Grouper
this slow-growing Gulf Coast Grouper gulps down a strawberry-colored tiger shrimp

Bumphead Parrotfish
this odd looking fish literally converts coral into beach sand using its powerful beak

Red Emperor
a full grown Red Emperor Snapper scares a shrimp from the coral as a juvenile swims in the background

Silver Tarpon
the Mangroves are no hiding place for small crabs when a Tarpon is hungry

Yellow Edge Grouper
this colorful Grouper, known for its yellow-edged fins, hunts for crabs along

Gulf Sailfish
this sleek Sailfish joins in on the Ballyhoo buffet with the Mahi and Bonito in the Gulf of Mexico

Giant Ulua
the giant Crevalle, known as Ulua in Hawaii, makes a meal of an evasive octopus

Hawaiian Uku
the beautiful Green Jobfish, known in Hawaii as Uku, are masters of the reef

Snapper Season
big Red Snapper will eat anything as this Yellowtail is about to find out

Striped bass & Mackerel
a huge Atlantic Striped Bass zeroes in on a school of juvenile mackeral.

Speckled Hind
a crimson Speckled Hind eyes a Spotted Shrimp as a school of Banded Butterfly Fish cruise the coral reef

Florida Pompano
a school of shiny Pompano ignore a baited pomp rig like its angler ignored the no fishing sign.

Tile Fish
the rainbow-colored Tile Fish glides elegantly along the vibrant deep water coral reef

Tiger Groupers
a pair of striped Tiger Groupers survey the reef for prey as Squirrel Fish dart

Yellowfin Tuna
a single shimmering Yellowfin Tuna sets its sights on a school of Ballyhoo in the Sargassum

Wahoo Baitball
miles off the Florida coast, a school of shimmering wahoo work the sardine baitball from all sides

Lookdown & Moonfish
these two distinctly different fish look nearly identical in the full moonlight

Red Snappers
a pair of hungry Reds Snappers prowl the vibrant Florida reef

Pompano Surf

Cubera Snappers
a monstrous and menacing Cubera Snapper snatches a Spiney Lobster in the Gulf of Mexico

Hawaiian Opah
the massive Moonfish, or Opah in Hawaii, is often found feeding amongst schools of Big-Eyed Tunas

Black Sea Bass
a beautifully colored Black Sea Bass swoops in on a tasty Florida blue crab against a stunning backdrop of live coral

Black Grouper
a majestic Black Grouper sucks in a unsuspecting Butterfish with its powerful jaws

Bluefin Tuna
a pair of Striped Marlins hunt a school of Mackerel beneath a patch of storm flotsam

Striped Marlins
a pair of Striped Marlins hunt a school of Mackerel beneath a patch of storm flotsam

Rooster Fish
a vibrant Rooster Fish patrols the colorful reef for hunting Butterfish

Blue Marlin
a stealthy Blue Marlin surgically severs the tail of a Yellowfin Tuna with its sword-like snout, seperating it from the school

Snook & Tarpon
two of south Florida most prized sports fish forage amongst the lively mangrove roots.

Pier Bluefish
an old school angler fishes for blues on a Panhandle pierwith a bubble
rig and a fast food straw

Redfish Dock
a pair of Redfish patrol a delapitated dock as a Sheepshead, Grunt and Choffers hunt the surrounding sawgrass.

Redfish Run
the shallow oyster-clad sandy flats of Saint Andrews Bay become prime hunting grounds for monster reds in winter.

Mackeral & Mahi
a giant King, a couple of Spanish, a Mahi and a Bonito hunt herring in the sargassum

Schooling Snappers
the coral-clad bridge pilings of the Florida Keys shelter shallow water snapper like School masters and Mangrove

Lane Snappers
sometimes called red tailor spot snappers, Lane Snappers swarm the vibrant, shallow reefs of the Gulf of Mexico

Mullet Run
in late September to early October, the Mullet run on the Gulf Coast is a sight to see

Reef Biter
the blue Bumphead Parrotfish chews on reef corals converting it to the fine sand that composes coasts worldwide.
our lakes, ponds, rivers and marshes in fantastic detail

American Bass

Bama Bass
an Alabama spotted bass chases a bluegill fingerling across a Southern pond.

Bass & Shiner
this healthy South Florida largemouth bass chases golden shiners from rotting log as a colorful cichlid swims by.

Biwa Bass
a legendary Lake Biwa Largemouth Bass stalks the underwater ruins of ancient Japan.

Choctaw Bass
recently categorized as a new species of black bass, this fish, named after the Choctaw Indians that inhabited the area, is native only to the Florida panhandle and a few select rivers that feed into South Alabama.

Shoal Bass
this rare species of bass is protected in the Apalachicola and Chipola Rivers but can be found along limestone shoals feeding on crustaceans and minnows.

Sunshine Bass
a Striper and a White Bass hybrid, this beautiful fish, bred and managed by FWC fisheries, is iconic to the Sunshine State.

Suwannee Bass
this distinctly heavy-bodied species of black bass is native to only two rivers in Florida and Georgia and considers crayfish to be its favorite food.

Alligator Gar
recently added to Florida's list of protected and endangered species, this monstrous Alligator Gar makes an adult bass look small

Backwoods Bass
a hungry Largemouth Bass preys on a juvenile Shell Cracker as an Orange Breast Bream hides beneath a decaying log

Autumn Crappie
a colorful water frog catches the eye of a Florida Black Crappie

Manatee Springs
a mother Sea Cow and her cub glide along the sandy bottom of a Florida spring

Honey Hole
a Striped Bass swims after a young Bluegill while a hungry Black Crappie eyes a dragonfly

Catfish Hole
a couple of fat cats curl up in a rotted stump in the channel of the Choctawhatchee

Crappie & Kingfisher
a yellow fly finds out what it's like to get bit as a kingfisher watches from his perch

Bream & Bass
a palm-sized Bream stealthily eyes a waterbug from beneath the lily pads while a Bass swims by

Brown Bullhead
a native Florida catfish, this chubby brown bottom feeder has few natural predators and thrives in muddy ponds and canals

Blue Gill
a red wiggler catches the eye of this wary Blue Gill Bream as it hides in the safety of the cypress roots and fall lilies

Rock Bass
a freshwater crayfish catches the attention of a red-eyed Rock Bass

Night Prowler
this Largemouth Bass chases fireflies beneath a full moon at a forbidden fishing hole

Brown Trout
the vibrant, multi-colored spotted Brown Trout are ambush predators and are a favorite amongst North American fisherher men

Cotton Mouth
this coppery snake blends into the beauty of its background

Bass Attack
this frog finds out the hard way that this Largemouth Bass is much to fast to evade

Lazy Alligator
a mother alligator takes a nap while her baby sleeps on her back

Redbreast Bream
a radiant Redbreast Bream chases a bull minnow while a white Egret and Soft-shell Turtle look on in the background

River Bass
a Largemouth Bass pursues a dragonfly while a Black Crappie swims past

Smallmouth Bass
hungry Smallies like this one, also known as Brownies or Bronzebacks, consider crayfish a delicacy.

Warmouth Bass
a water bug is about to have his bubble burst

Bass & Bones
a central Florida Spotted Bass chases a Bluegill out of algae-clad gator skull

Spring Sturgeon
the endangered Shortnose Sturgeon glides along the Choctawhatchee river bottom as a Kingfisher dives for minnows

Southern Wetlands
a doe and a buck take a cautious drink from the sawgrass as a Florida gator suns on his mound

Sockeye Spawn
the female Sockeye Salmon uses her tail to brush gravel over her eggs once the male has fertilized them

Bass & Blue Crayfish
a pair of Florida bass hunt the tall, weedy grass for the one-in-a-million elusive blue crayfish

BlueGill vs Crappie
a Black Crappie and a vibrantly colored Shellcracker play tug-o-worm

Bass & Water Snake
a Largemouth Bass stalks an unaware dragonfly while a Banded Water Snake slithers through the lilies.

Northern Pike
a tooth Northern Pike stalks juvenile Mountain
Whitfish as a weary Perch takes fight

Rainbow Trout
this beautiful torpedo-shaped coldwater trout is an opportunistic hunter and can't refuse a stranded earthworm.

BlueGill vs Crappie
hungry Smallies like this one, also known as Brownies or Bronzebacks, consider crayfish a delicacy.

Wicked Walleye
vicious-looking Walleye prey on juvenile Yellow Perch in a cold North American lake.

Water Mockison
a stealthy Florida Moccasin stalks a juvenile bass in the shallows of a spring

Golden Crappie
these extremely rare and stunning variations of the Crappie fish area one in a million catch

Jumping Bass
there’s nothing more exciting than watching a bass breach the surface

Largemouth & Peacock
the native and the invasive prepare to pounce on an artificial frog

River Otter
the semi-aquatic North American River Otter is one of the best anglers in the wild

Sand Pond
the bass and bream get huge out at the Sand Hills hidden farm pond

Armored Catfish
this invasive, nocturnal catfish gets its name from its tough natural armor which can help it survive 20 hours out of water

Tiger Musky
this prized northern fresh water fish is a sterile hybrid off spring of the true muskellunge and the northern pike

Native Bowfin
the indigenous mudfish, or Bowfin, has both gills and a swim bladder lung which enables it to survive low oxygen water

Brook Trout
a beautiful spotted Brook Trout out flanks a Chub to snatch a fallen may fly from the stream’s surface

King Salmon
this pair of Kings, otherwise known as Chinook Salmon, have turned from silver to red as they roam up the rocky river bottom

White Crappie
a hungry White Crappie ignores the shiny Shad a sit circles a sunken Whitetail skull to strike a struggling red wiggle
ocean worlds
dive into these marine-themed favorites

Bull Sharks
despite its bad reputation, the Bull Shark is majestic and beautiful

Florida Redfish
A hungry Redfish takes the bait against a Florida flag

Florida Trout
two large Panhandle Speckled Trout eye a lure with the Florida flag in the sawgrass

Tropical Mahi
an emerald green Mahi Mahi chases flying fish through a tropical garden of blooms and sargassum

Hawaiian Parrotfish
a rainbow colored Parrotfish glides through a tropical flower reef

Dolphin Nautilus
a blue Mahi leaps from a nautilus shell in pursuit of flying fish

Angry Octopus
a small shark is no match for the tentacles of the tenacious Florida octopus

Turtle Tang
a variety of Tangs and colorful reef fish groom this beautiful Green Sea Turtle

Bull Shark & Pelican
a very lucky Florida brown pelican takes flight as a monster bull shark hunts bonito beneath its feet.

Moray Eel
a colorful Cuttlefish is a tasty catch for this Green Moray Eel

Turtle Reef
this Green Sea Turtle glides past a lively coral head

Shortfin Mako
the Shortfin Mako is the fastest and most agile predator in the sea, as this school of mackerel is about to find out

Tiger Tooth
the inquisitive Cobia copilots for the menacing Tiger Shark as they traverse an ancient tooth

Great Hammerhead
this intimidating predator chases a pair of rays along the coral clad sandbar

Great White & Garibaldi
a giant Great White stalks the Catalina kelp forest as the Garibaldis and Opaleyes keep their distance

Baby Dolphins
mama dolphin, mama sea turtle and their babies traverse a surrealistic ocean landscape

Happy Dolphins
two young dolphins play in a underwater tropical paradise

Key West
a beautifully surreal depiction of the diverse sea life that can be found in the Florida Keys

Spiny Lobster
a crimson Spiny Lobster tires to blend into the surrounding coral of a thriving Bahamian reef

Manta Ray
an elegant Manta Ray glides along the reef feeding on a school of juvenile Golden Trevalle

Tigers & Turtles
a million year old sea battle plays out between green loggerhead sea turtles and a pair of hungry tiger sharks.
invasive species
exotic and beautiful, these non-native species are fair game for fishing

Tegu & Tilapia
a gorgeous Blue Tilapia strikes a fly in the Everglades while an invasive Tegu lizard raids a nest.

Bullseye Snakeshead
a Florida everglades Anole Lizard is about to get it from both ends from a pair of southern Snakeheads

Cichlid Culvert
a Midas Cichlid and a vibrant Tiger Oscar stalk an upturned shopping cart for smaller cichlids in a shopping center pond.

Northern Snakehead
a pair of nasty Northern Snakehead stalk the tall grass and autumn lilies for banded Killifish.

Clown Knife Fish
a sleek Clown Knife Fish uses the full moon to feed on grass shrimp along an overgrown South Florida canal wall.

Jaguar Guapote
a pair of exotic Jaguar Guapotes swim beneath a cluster of invasive water plants in a South Florida retention pond.

Wild Boar vs Python
two of florida's most invasive species battle it out in the wilds of the everglades sawgrass.

Lion Fish
the Lion Fish, an invasive species in Florida waters, is nonetheless captivating in its beauty against the vibrant reef

Butterfly Peacock Bass
the exotic Butterfly Peacock is a voracious eater and an aggressive hunter

Peacock & Cichlids
a colorful Peacock bass hunts a rusted out shopping cart in a South Florida retention pond as a fire Oscar, along with Mayan, Midas and Hybrid Cichlids, keep a wary eye.

Peacock Bass
a vibrant Peacock Bass chases Mayan cichlids around a rotted palmetto trunk in the Florida Everglades
game species

Whitetail Buck
a majestic north Florida Whitetail buck poses against the full moon as mallards fly across the winter sky.

Wild Turkey & Quail
an Osceola Turkey and Cardinal perch on an aging buck rack while a Bob white Quail takes flight

Ring-Necked Pheasant
a regal male pheasant flaps his wings as an attempt to win the female from his adversary in the cornfield.

Jumping Buck

Choctawhatchee River
a young buck stops for a drink along the Choctawhatchee while a monster bass hunts beneath the surface

Bull Elk
a rutting Colorado Bull Elk bellows out across the snowy mountains.

Wood Ducks
a trio of wood ducks take flight from the camouflage of the winter cypress swamp.
fishing birds

Osprey & Trout
an Osprey wrestles a giant Speckled Trout up to her branchy nest where her hungry chick awaits.

Great Blue Heron
this Florida bass is no match for a stealthy Blue Heron.

Bald Eagle
a Butterfly Peacock bass finds itself in the talons of an Everglades Bald Eagle.

a beautiful southern Kingfisher dives for a fish beneath the autumn lilies.